A brand new issue of Coffee Break will be heading your way soon.
Life can get pretty serious sometimes. Leave it to Coffee Break to add some fun into the daily life of your customers. Putting a smile on your customers’ faces means a positive connection between them and your company.
The variety of jokes and funny thoughts in this month’s CoffeeBreak, combined with a list of 10 ridiculous things to do that are sure to turn some heads, will entertain your customers and make them look forward to the next issue of this unique humor newsletter.
Here’s a sample of the humor your prospects and customers will see in the March 2017 issue of CoffeeBreak:
Two old friends crossed paths after not seeing one another for almost a decade.
Sam: “What are you doing these days?”
Tom: “PHD.”
Sam: “Wow! You’re a doctor!”
Tom: “No, Pizza Home Delivery.”
Consistency is Key
Consistency is key when it comes to staying front-of-mind with your customers. A newsletter like Coffee Break—which your customers will start to ask for by name—will go a long way in keeping your name and contact information in front of the people that really matter at your company: your customers.