Show Your Customers What’s Outside the (Big) Box

Our newest direct mail package, the January edition of Local Edge, helps your customers get out of the big-box mindset and thinking local.

They Don’t Know What They’re Missing

Our inaugural issue of Local Edge (available for download November 15) highlights what a print buyer is missing when they choose to purchase their printing from a large, global, faceless print company. What are they missing? Real people, a better quality product, personalized service, … the list goes on. So why would potential customers choose to give these up?

The main reason print buyers decide to purchase from these big-box, cookie-cutter companies is to save money. But, is the savings really worth it? Especially when inferior quality fails to make that great first impression? It brings to mind that old saying, “you get what you pay for.”

Why Local Matters

Alex Gladu, in his article “Five Reasons Not to Shop at Big Box Stores” had this to say about the importance of local small businesses:

Local Edge will highlight the key benefits of keeping business local and communicate to your customers and prospects that they don’t have to sacrifice quality for price. Also included in the Local Edge design is a featured coupon option. Entice your prospects even further to buy now, while at the same time use that coupon to track the effectiveness of your direct mail.

Ready to start gaining the Local Edge over your national competition? Call us at (701) 241-9204 or (800) 736-0688. Or visit us online at to get your first issue on November 15, 2016.


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