Mini Brochures: From Virtual to Reality

One of our favorite stories about Printer@Work (the email newsletter available for use with each website provided by Marketing Ideas For Printers) goes something like this: One of our customers (a printer) told us how their customer (a print buyer) replied to a Printer@Work email the printer had sent. The customer’s email simply asked the printer to print X number of items for them.

Talk about a great sales story!

The printer sends an email newsletter, and the subscriber gets the email and thinks, “I need to order more printing. I’ll just reply to this email!” It’s pretty obvious that the email newsletter made a trustworthy connection that ended with selling more printing!

What Goes Around Come Around

Guess what? It happened again!

A recent issue of Printer@Work was sent out with the Uncommon Product featuring Mini Brochures, like this:

One of our printer customers told us one of their customers noticed that Uncommon Product article and thought printing mini brochures for their company was a pretty good idea. They asked our customer, “Could you send us a sample of what that looks like? We want our company to use mini brochures.”

Our printer customer wanted to put a printed sample in their hands and asked us if we had print-ready sample artwork. As it turns out, we didn’t have that artwork in a print-ready format. (We intentionally created it as a low-res graphic for use in the Printer@Work email newsletter.)

Setting You Up For Success

But then we thought, “If we had artwork for mini brochures, we could help this customer (and maybe more of our customers just like him) sell more printing. So, let’s make it happen!”

We then created a printable version of mini brochures artwork to help you, and all our customers, sell more printing. Perhaps you had print-buying customers that also expressed an interest in mini brochures.

Now It’s Your Turn

The baton has been passed to you to download the sample artwork, print it, and use it to sell mini brochures. Below is the download link. Enjoy!

Mini-brochure Sample

Remember, this started because a printer used the Printer@Work email newsletter to create a greater awareness of the power of print (mini brochures).

If you’re not sending the Printer@Work email newsletter, you’re missing an opportunity to create that awareness of print with your customers. Ready to get started with Printer@Work? Start here:


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