Odyssey micro-projects are small coding projects that can be written by coders and developers without prior knowledge of Odyssey’s code.
Odyssey is our new Print Management Information System (Print MIS), and these Odyssey micro-projects will expand and/or enhance Odyssey’s existing codebase. Each micro-project has a very clear goal designed to be accomplished with just a small investment of time writing code. Micro-projects often combine as part of a larger development effort, although they can stand alone, too.
For you, micro-projects are an excellent way to make some extra money with well-defined “quick win” coding projects. For us, micro-projects will allow the rapid development of Odyssey’s code base. We both win, together!
Returning coders, you can hop directly to the list of micro-projects:
First time here? Keep reading…
Odyssey is a Print Management Information System (Print MIS) that allows printers to sell printing in a way that’s remarkably different from legacy Print MIS. Odyssey uses content and marketing touchpoints to expand the scope of Print MIS and help turn prospects into customers. Printers and customers are always completely connected on the same cloud-based platform.
At Marketing Ideas For Printers, we help printers sell more printing by providing them with marketing content and complex technology. Other providers may offer compelling content. Other providers may provide top-notch technology. But no one combines content and technology like we do.
That’s what Odyssey is all about!
We’re doing something that’s never been done before, and we’d like to invite you to be a part of it!
We started coding Odyssey on October 2, 2015. You can read the story on our blog: The Quest for a New Breed of Print MIS. To understand why we’re building Odyssey, check out the first seven minutes of this video (also available on that blog post):
That video was recorded the day Odyssey was presented to a gathering of Fargo’s tech and entrepreneurial community called 1 Million Cups. We’ve done a lot of coding since then, and we now have a strong foundational codebase for Odyssey in place.
But there’s so much more we want to do with Odyssey. That’s why we’re inviting coders and developers everywhere to join us in building Odyssey through micro-projects.
Here are some of the tools and resources we use for coding Odyssey:
Our President, Dave Hultin, always knew Odyssey was going to be bigger than any one person. Dave says:
From the very beginning of Odyssey, the right resources have shown up at just the right time to keep Odyssey moving forward. Sometimes those resources are ideas, inspiration, or finances. And, sometimes, those resources are people like YOU!
Building Odyssey allows us to live out our Team-Focused core value like never before. So, are you ready to join the team and start coding? Let’s go! Welcome to the team!
Any questions? Contact Andy Bronson, our Operations Director, using the Say Hello contact form below.
Here's more information about Odyssey Micro-Projects: