7 New Year’s Resolutions to Help You Sell More Printing

What’s a new year without resolutions? And, what’s a print company without selling printing?

Here are seven resolutions you can implement at your print company to help you sell more printing in 2020 and beyond.

1. Get Social

Social media continues to be a powerful tool for connecting with and building an audience. And, 2020 is an excellent time to look at boosting your social media presence by:

  • Using the right tools. A strong social media presence requires frequent, consistent posting, and the right tools make scheduling and posting your social media content quick and easy to maintain. To help you with that, consider using a social media subscription service that will provide you with regular content and using a social media scheduling tool.
  • Tracking your content. You’ll need to know when, what, and how often you’re posting to truly understand the impact your social media presence is having. Check out the “Everything You Need to Know About Content” webinar for tips on how to track your content.
  • Focusing on eye-catching visuals. Videos or even impossible-to-ignore graphics are the types of content that people want to share, so boost your presence by incorporating these into your social media marketing strategy.

2. Put Fresh Eyes on Your Homepage

Sometimes things become so familiar that you find yourself in a “that’s the way it’s always been” mindset.

Avoid this by seeking out fresh eyes on your homepage and marketing materials. In doing so, you’ll be able to see where the hang-ups and pain points are. Seek out a friend or colleague and ask them something like, “Hey, will you go online to my website and try and order a flyer? Let me know if you found your way around alright.”

Fresh eyes will also help you avoid common mistakes, such as no call-to-action buttons, talking about yourself too much, and using printer-speak.

3. Put Your Pricing Online

There are lots of reasons you should put your pricing online. Here are just a few of them:

  • You’ll better appreciate your value. Remember, it’s okay to say, “We charge this much, and this is why.” If you’re fearful of your pricing, there’s a high likelihood your customers will be too.
  • You’ll give your print buyers what they want. Your prospects and customers are looking for answers to their questions, including their pricing questions. Without your pricing listed on your website, it can give the impression of, “If they’re not telling me, it must be really expensive, and I won’t be able to afford it anyway. I’ll go someplace else.”
  • You’ll save yourself a ton of time by giving your customers the information they’re looking for upfront, and you’ll help them get further down the sales funnel on their own.

4. Invest in Customer Service

A quality team will make or break you. That’s why you must put customer service at the forefront of your business goals.

We all know that fancy websites and marketing solutions mean nothing if your customers aren’t satisfied with their experience with you. Train your service team to provide excellent customer service ALWAYS. It will pay dividends for you and build customer loyalty.

Lastly, remember that service starts from the top down. Your example of service is crucial and seen by your team.

Quote image. "Customer will never love a company unless the employees love it first." Simon Sinek

5. Model Print’s Effectiveness

Imagine if a health supplement supplier didn’t use their own product because it wasn’t worth it or didn’t work?

If they didn’t believe in the product, why would you?

The same is true with print. If you want other businesses to use print marketing, you need to model your belief in the product by using print marketing yourself.

Don’t forget that you’re the expert they’re watching, so be the example of the actions you want your print buyers to take.

6. Make the Decision to Grow

What are you doing today that will put your business in a better spot tomorrow or a year from now?

Resolve to work on ditching the short-term, surviving mindset that creeps up and, instead, look for ways to be continually growing forward. After all, this is not the time to sit back and let the printing industry and trends happen to you.

Avoid that type of complacency and work to implement even one new thing that will keep your business growing in the right direction.

“Change is scary, but staying the same is scarier.” – Dave Hultin

7. Foster Encouragement

The hardest part about any resolution is working through discouragement.

You’ll need to expect that discouragement will come for both you and your team and be ready to battle against it.

Don’t let the encouragement bank run dry by scheduling it into your day. Put it on your calendar to write an encouraging note to a different employee each week or month.

We’ll even go first and offer you some heartfelt encouragement for the new year:

Congratulations on making it this far with your print business. Seriously! From where you’ve come to where you’re going, you got this!

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