Keep it Simple

A marketing campaign is like a symphony – many complex parts, one beautiful outcome. As your customers weigh the elements of an upcoming project, they’ll look to you to work hard to blend the right mix of color, design, and narrative for the most dynamic outcome. How can you guide them to strike the best balance for greatest impact? As Henry David Thoreau once said: “Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand…” Simplicity can make your message ring forth through the clatter of daily noise.

Opposing the Enemies of Simplicity

Our enthusiasm to succeed can often create clutter, so it is important to build a strong, simple foundation from the start. The December marketing tip, available on every website provided by Marketing Ideas For Printers, identifies enemies of simplicity that sabotage our best marketing efforts. Here are a few highlights:

  • Give Your Brand Center Stage. Let your work speak for itself rather than explaining it with highly descriptive content or excessive visual clutter. Less is more! Don’t overextend your design or your brand itself. Too many product variations can come at the expense of the distinct image you have worked so hard to establish.
  • Don’t Rush. Perhaps you are so competitive that one-upmanship and ego-based competition distracts you from your primary goals. Your fear of falling behind can keep you from producing the best quality work or excellent products.
  • Keep Quality at the Forefront. Don’t cover up an overall weak design with too many details. Focus on creating an excellent piece, and point all the attention in that direction. Don’t take away attention from the details that truly count!

Looking for a bullseye in your marketing this year? Preview this tip on one of our public demo websites to keep quality at the forefront and minimize the noise. Simplicity will win the day and allow your message to ring forth!

See what a quality website with regularly updated content can do for you! Give us a call at (800) 736‑0688 or (701) 241-9204 to get started.


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