Dump the Frump Today!

Dump the Frump, FastStart, Direct Mail For Printers, Marketing Ideas For Printers

The new year brings a new season, including a fresh calendar and sometimes a change of CLOTHES. Is your wardrobe left wanting? According to Elle magazine, there are several signs that it may need an overhaul. Here are three clues:

  1.  You routinely open your closet and find you have “nothing” to wear.
  2. The last designer clothing item you bought was for your niece (think “Gap Kids”).
  3. The last piece of clothing you bought actually FITS your niece (but hasn’t been your size for at least two years).

Showcase Their Style

If a wardrobe needs updating, how much more does a business? Even the smartest designs can sag over time! Our January 2018 FastStart mailer inspires your clients to refresh and rebrand with updated logos, letterhead, business cards and more. Are their printed materials current and captivating? Whether it’s a tweaked logo or a complete visual makeover, updated materials can realign their message in a fresh, relevant style.

Hot Off the Press

In today’s ever-changing world, a strong image is an incredible asset, allowing your clients to stand out from the crowd, generate new customers, and to engage their audience with a look that pops. A sharp visual identity speaks volumes, so encourage your customers to take intentional time to update everything from banners to brochures, offering a creative lift to rejuvenate their appearance and revitalize their reputation. Position yourself as a creative expert, giving an objective look at their materials and offering a strategic refresh in a way that works for their budget.

Time for a little updating of your own? Let FastStart revive your marketing, giving your suggestive sales the bump you need. Check out a sample or call us at (701) 241-9204 or (800) 736-0688 to talk options today!