The Perfect Score

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To score or not to score? This question faces anyone creating a printed piece that must be folded before mailing, display, or delivery. Your customers may not realize the importance of scoring paper or preparing printed materials so that they fold cleanly. Our latest print tip, added to the Ideas Collection of every website provided by Marketing Ideas For Printers, gives your clients a basic tutorial on the criteria and methods to consider when weighing the benefits of including this step in the print process.

To Score or Not to Score?

Educating your customers regarding scoring is easy with this latest print tip. Here’s a sample from the article:

While in some cases folding without scoring is sufficient, often scoring will eliminate unsightly creases and buckling in the printed material. The primary consideration in whether or not to score a printed piece is the thickness of the paper being used for the project. As a general rule, paper that is 100 lbs. or heavier should be scored before folding. Other instances where scoring the paper is recommended would include:

There is heavy ink coverage across the folded area.

You will be folding against the grain of the sheet.

A critical part of your message will be located at the fold.

Your preferred folding style requires hand work.

You want the highest-quality fold and result possible.

Elegant Products, Trustworthy Partners

A clean, beautiful fold can make all the difference in producing an elegant final result! But more important than the project is the PARTNERSHIP that you bring as a reliable, professional, and thorough print resource. Grow customer confidence in your business with a steady flow of marketing, tech, design, and print tips, available each month on every website provided by Marketing Ideas For Printers.

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