New Security Measures For Your Customer Accounts

Security has been a big topic in the past several months. As we continue to hear stories about security issues like the Heartbleed bug and the Target breach, security has been on everybody’s minds. So we thought now would be a great time to make an important change to how your websites handle your customer’s passwords.

lockStarting July 1st, your customers will no longer receive plain-text passwords through their email when they indicate they’ve forgotten their password. Instead, we will be implementing the same password reset procedure that is used by many of the web’s top sites: users will receive a link to their email account which they can use to reset their password.

You Are An Important Member Of Our Development Team!

This update is an example of a change we made to the system based on input from our customers. You and your customers are an important part of our development team. You’re in the trenches, selling printing everyday, and using your website in the process. When something isn’t working as well as it should, you’re often the first to know. So keep those ideas coming, because you’re helping us build a better website — for you!

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