We’re Speechless — Are You?

Well, here we are: we’ve been talking about DesignEdit for a couple of months now, and given you several peeks behind the curtain at the ongoing development. Yesterday, we officially launched DesignEdit for your use (or more importantly, for your customers to use). This is going to be fun!


There isn’t really much more to say, other than get in there and sell some printing!

DesignEdit is a BIG deal, and we want to make sure it’s one of the most effective selling tools you have available to you on your Level 3 website. So while you’re in there, can we ask a favor? If you come up with any ideas for making DesignEdit even better than it is while you’re using it, please let us know. You can get a hold of us at 1-800-736-0688, or at CustomerCare@MarketingIdeasForPrinters.com.


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