So far in this six-part email series, we’ve talked about the mistakes of thinking locally instead of globally and thinking you’re just a printer.
Today, we’ll explore this question:
Is consistency the missing ingredient in your business?
Is consistency the missing ingredient in your business?
If you’re struggling to cleary convey who you are and what your company is about in a consistent way, it’s highly likely your print business is suffering because of it.
Consistency in business is often overlooked, but it is vital if you’re trying to achieve successful growth within your company. What’s more, as blog author Lisa Millini says,
Consistency has power. It influences your performance, and your employees and customers depend on it.
If you’re not convinced, check out these five reasons why you need to start taking a look at the consistency in your print business.
1. Consistency Solidifies Your Message
Did you know there are currently over 1,805,260,010 (1.8 billion) websites?
If you want a fighting chance at standing out among the sheer volume of competition out there, you need to communicate to your customers what your company is all about. Here are some ideas to get you thinking.
- Do you sell happy?
- Are you home to the 30-day, money-back guarantee?
- Are you all about quality? Lower prices? Locally-owned and operated? Giving back to the community?
You get the idea. What is Marketing Ideas For Printers all about? Helping you sell more printing.
Takeaway: Find your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) or what makes you, you, and make it clear within your company’s messaging across all channels: social media, email, phone, in-person, website, etc.
2. Consistency Defeats the Tyranny of the Urgent
“It doesn’t matter; we don’t have time. Just send it.” Have you ever caught yourself saying something like that?
Printers have full days that are filled with putting out fires. Because of that, the tyranny of the urgent can often overshadow the important.
- Do you think it’s important to create consistent quality guidelines for your company?
- Do you think it’s important to give customers the same experience from you both online and offline?
More than likely, you answered yes to both of those questions. If that’s truly how you feel, look for ways to keep the urgent tasks at bay and focus on what’s really important.
Takeaway: By setting up consistent standards that you and your team will meet every time, you’ll be able to focus on the longterm needs of your business. Lay out the important/non-negotiable items that require consistency and put your energy there first, so they’re not buried in the urgent issues of the moment.
3. Consistency Allows You to Track What Works
Data is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal and consistency gives you the ability to measure accurately.
To put it another way, until you try something consistently over a period of time, you’ll never know how effective it is.
- Did you label direct mail marketing for your print business as ineffective, but you only mailed it out four, sporadic times last year, or worse, mailed it twice and gave up?
- Did you write off trying to do the whole social media thing because no one engaged with your content in that first 30 days?
This is where consistency will help you see if your efforts are in the right place.
Takeaway: Adapt a longer mindset when trying new things. From direct mail campaigns to email marketing, social media, and even switching Print MIS solutions, give yourself six to twelve months of consistent use before you bail out.
4. Consistency Gives You Much-Needed Accountability
What would you say is the number one benefit of a consistent person or company?
Consistent companies have something all companies are striving for: TRUST.
What does consistency look like in the printing business?
- “I always go to Acme Printing because I know they don’t cut corners and deliver a quality product every time.”
- “I don’t have to worry if my order is being processed or if it’s on time with Acme Printing. They consistently keep me in the loop, so I know the status of my project at any time in real time.”
Before long, that consistency is maintained by the expectations and accountability of your team and your customers. They come to expect it, and your team begins to know nothing less is acceptable.
Takeaway: Set high expectations that you intend to be held accountable for. Whether it’s customer communication, order processing, or the quality of your products and services, knowing you’re accountable to others will help you create consistent standards you can be proud of.
5. Consistency Builds a Relevant Reputation
If we all of sudden stopped providing you with relevant blog posts, content, and email drip campaigns like this one, what do you think would happen to our audience?
It would shrink.
That’s because our audience has come to expect (and rightly so) that Marketing Ideas For Printers is a leading source of quality information for the print industry that delivers consistent, helpful content. Our consistent content is what keeps us relevant to our audience and builds our reputation.
The same is true for your print-buying audience.
If your customers or prospects are looking for a steady stream of print marketing information, are you providing it for them?
Takeaway: Understand that consistency makes your relevant and builds your reputation. Look for ways to get your name and content out there consistently, so customers look to you when they need print marketing, design services, promotional services, and more.
Consistency isn’t easy. It requires discipline, patience, intense focus, and ultimately, action. But, in the end, your print business will be better because of it. How will you work to increase the consistency level at your print business?