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Welcome back! Last week, we talked about trading in multi-system chaos for all-in-one ease. Today, let’s look at an often overlooked but critical piece of owning a business: loyalty.

The difference between a one-time sale and a print-buying client who comes back to you potentially for the rest of their life can make all the difference for your print business.

Loyalty Matters

It’s a big deal, but how do you make loyalty a priority when you’re already strapped for time?

Start by throwing out your sales funnel and instead implementing a flywheel approach, increasing retention and building relationships before, during, and after your print orders.

In other words, once your print buyer has made a purchase, keep them in the center of every other process, rather than have them fall out the bottom of the funnel. In a flywheel, everything revolves around your print buyers’ experience, and it’s that energy that fuels all of your continued growth.

How do you do this? You pull your marketing into your MIS solution. Instead of that multiple-system chaos we talked about earlier, you get your marketing running right alongside your other efforts, maximizing your existing marketing content and building relationships.


Odyssey 2.0 is the first of its kind to bring a Print MIS solution and flywheel marketing approach together under one roof. Want to learn more? Check it out by scheduling a demo below.

    Build Loyalty. Attract New Print Buyers.

    Schedule your Odyssey demo today and learn how Odyssey uses the flywheel marketing approach to help you sell more printing.

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